Monthly Archives: January 2003

Bicycle Delivery

You can safely start watching “Witch Hunter Robin” at episode #11 and not miss any of the story (well… watch eps #01-02, too – for the introduction). But the story seems to be worth it… As an aside: Why has noone made a Robin-wallpaper of her in that spandex-biking outfit? <nudge> ^_^


“Gatekeepers 21” is surprisingly good. In fact, it’s excellent (in contrast to the TV series). It’s set 30 years later, still has the “obligatory” schoolgirls, but is much darker and gloomy in feel and concentrates on a much smaller cast of 3 (arguably 4) main characters. It just made my current top-five anime list out of nowhere… ^_^

Light per Pixel

LightTest code is done for now. Test it here (needs DX9, PixelShader 1.2, VertexShader 1.1, 4 TextureStages, A8R8G8B8 Texture-RenderTarget. It works on my Geforce4, should work on a 3 as well. Probably Newer ATI-cards, too). Features:

  • 4 textures w/ 4 combiner-stages (i.e. should run at a minimum of 50% max fillrate)
  • lighting performance independent of # vertices of object
  • attenuation from light -> object and object -> viewer (no fog needed, ambient retained)
  • ambient is done with filtered HDR cubemap (i.e. depends on normal!)
  • different attenuation for diffuse and specular light (from object -> viewer)
  • directional and point-lights
  • decal texture + glossmap
  • per pixel diffuse + specular [attenuated for point-lights] (limited to about 6 point lights + 7 directional lights = ~13 per pixel lights!)
  • specular power is not fixed in pixel shader
  • accurate reflection vector calculation, no halfway vector cheating
  • approximates elliptical objects (for point light attenuation)
  • specular color is always the same as the diffuse color of a light

Comments? Queries?